
Wednesday 10 July 2013

What is Resilience?

Resilience is a word we are hearing more and more in the work place these days, so what is Resilience?

Well as with most things resilience means different things to different people and there are hundreds of interpretations out there.

So I have decided to start my series of blogs on Resilience with the Scientific definition of resilience:

'Resilience is the ability of a material to absorb energy when deformed elastically and release that energy upon unloading. Therefore, resilience can be defined as the maximum energy that can be absorbed without creating a permanent distortion'

Sounds pretty scientific to me, so what does it mean to you and me? well this is my interpretation:

Resilience is our ability to deal with stress when put under pressure but more importantly have the ability to release that stress 'de-stress' back to a point of balance without it having a permanent affect. In other words its our ability to bounce back time after time.

In future blogs we will explore the relativity of resilience, its relationship with stress, resilience a state of mind and body, what comes first the chicken (resilience) or the egg (stress), and how do we become more resilient?

Until next time....be well

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